Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Baby Blues

Yesterday I had a wonderful shoot with two beautiful baby boys.  It is a lot of fun watching them hide from the camera and when they do sneak a peek it seems those shots tend to be the very best.  They are very real and not posed, which is what I aim for in my photos.  I wanted to take a break from editing/cropping to share one of those shots from yesterdays shoot. 

I love how this captures the bond these two little boys share.

Friday, August 26, 2011

You get what you pay for.

I have noticed lately that the photo industry in this area is over saturated.  The sad thing is that most of them are not licensed businesses.  I know that it shouldn't matter to me, BUT if you go through the process of actually starting a business and you pay all the fees that go along with it you would understand.  I have to file 4 seperate taxes every quarter.  These are also the ones that are getting a majority of the clients because they have absolutely no overhead cost.  Their camera is paid for, the pay no rent for a studio, and they don't have any real equipment or props because they shoot on location.   Again this is fine, but it hurts those of us that have to charge more for our overhead.  

It also seems that photography has taken a turn for the worse.  I want to look at a photo and see exactly what the photographer sees and feel exactly what the photographer feels.  I want to find the beauty in simple things.  I have seen far too many photos with absolutely no emotional connection, and clients with tree branches coming out of their heads, and so on.  I in no way claim to be perfect, but if you are going to do this at least know what an F stop, iso, aperature,  flash composition and exposure composition are.  Auto focus is great, BUT you can unlock so much more potential  if you do it manually.  I in no way am meaning to offend those that use auto focus because when you are in a rush at home sometimes it's easier, but when it's a wedding or a major event for a client please keep in mind that your not just snapping a photo, but creating a life long memory.

Anyway I am rambling a bit,  but these things tend to bother me

Monday, August 22, 2011

Welcome to my blog!

I want to thank all of my fans for stopping by.  Keep an eye on the blog for specials, sneak peeks, and fun giveaways.  Sorry to cut this so short, but I am busy busy :)