Saturday, December 22, 2012

Snow much fun

Well here we are just a few days away from Christmas and we have SNOW!  I am hoping it stays.  I had planned to be closed until the new year, but the weather changed that.  I am a sucker for little kids playing in the snow so I offered a special on my page.  The special filled up almost immediately, BUT I plan to offer a special every day from here until Christmas.  Stop by the website or for your chance to snag a deal! 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The countdown is on

I have been completely slacking in the blog category lately.  With the holidays and weddings I have been behind the lens quite a bit.  I have been doing a lot to give back lately.  I offered a free session to a family who's son is battling cancer.  I have began to try to gather funds for a family in need this season.  I have really shifted my focus into helping others any way I can. 

I just wanted to apologize for the lack of posts and to give you all a few peeks of what I have been up to.